1. Main information. Organizer of the Contest.
1.1. These Rules regulate the procedure of how the contest “Summer TankiFund 2024” (hereinafter referred to as “the Contest”) is organized and conducted.
1.2. The Organizer of the Contest is APL Publishing Ltd, a Cypriot corporation with the company registration number HE 424713 having its registered address at Neofytou Nikolaidi & Kilkis, 35, Flat/Office 312, 8011 Paphos, Cyprus. (further – Organizer).
1.3. The information in support of the Contest is provided on the website (hereinafter referred to as “the Contest Website”).
1.4. The Contest is being conducted on Cyprus territory, on the Contest Website.
1.5. To take part in this contest, a player has to purchase at least one of the following special offers in the Shop of the Game: Doping, Fan’s Bundle, or Spectacular Appearance.
1.6. This contest is governed by Section 3 of the Licensing Agreement for the interactive multiplayer online game Tanki Online For purposes of these Rules applies section 3 of The Licensing Agreement of interactive multiuser online game Tanki Online (hereinafter referred to as “the Game”), as well as the following Terms and Definitions.
1.6.1. Special offer – a set of in-game items which can be purchased with a discount.
1.6.2. Team Special Offer – Special offer which grants the Participant access to get Compensation from the Tankifund and to get additional prizes for passing marks of TankiFund. When it is purchased, it adds a certain number of tankoins to the general fund of TankiFund.
1.6.3. Personal Special Offer – Special offer that adds a million tankoins to the general fund of TankiFund, but only for the player who purchased it. Tankoins added to the fund by this Special offer are not counted for getting Compensation but are counted for passing marks of TankiFund, which the Participant receives additional prizes for.
1.6.4. Tankoin Fund – Sum of all tankoins added to the fund by Participants’ purchases of Team Special Offers.
1.6.5. Compensation – adding to the Participant’s account a share of tankoins distributed from the Contest’s Tankoin Fund;
1.6.6. Mark – number of millions of tankoins in the fund of TankiFund.
1.6.7. Additional prize – an in-game item or in-game currency, added to the Participant’s account if TankiFund reaches the mark corresponding to this prize.
2. The Dates and Structure of the Contest
2.1. The Contest starts at 05:00 AM Moscow time on June 7th 2024, and ends at 05:00 AM Moscow time on July 5th 2024. Moscow time (UTC +3). The selection and announcement of the Winners of the Contest will take place on July 8th 2024.
3. Terms and Conditions
3.1. To take part in the Contest, the Participant must be a User of the Game, who has completed the actions listed in section 3.2. of the Rules.
3.2. Terms and Conditions for Tankoin Fund Participation
3.2.1. To have a chance to claim the motivational reward in the form of Compensation or the additional Prize, the Participant must complete the following actions in chronological order: Log into the Game; Choose one of the following Special Offers in the Game’s Shop: Doping, Fan’s Bundle, or Spectacular Appearance; Complete a purchase of the Offer according to the Purchase Instructions.
3.3. The execution of the actions, described in part 3.2 of these Rules, by a person, meeting requirements described in part 3.1 of these Rules, is considered as the Participant’s agreement to participate in the Contest and agreement to follow the current Rules.
4. Contest Fund. Number of Winners
4.1. Tankoin Fund
4.1.1. The procedure for formation of the Contest’s Tankoin Fund: at the start of the Contest, according to part 2.1 of the Rules, the fund contains 0 tankoins. Each purchase of the Special Offers by a Game user adds a certain number of tankoins to the fund, according to part 4.1.2 of the Rules. The Contest Fund stops growing at 05:00 AM Moscow time on July 5th 2024. The Participant is able to monitor the growth of the Tankoin Fund using the special website.
4.1.2. Special offer Doping adds 1000 tankoins to the fund, Special offer Fan’s Bundle adds 1500 tankoins to the fund and the Special offer Spectacular Appearance adds 10000 tankoins to the fund.
4.1.3. Upon execution of actions described in part 3 of these Rules, the Participant has the right to claim the Compensation, according to the procedures described in the current Rules.
4.1.4. The number of Prize-winners is determined using the following method:
CONTEST’S TANKOIN FUND / 8 000 tankoins
The end result is rounded to the nearest lower whole number, using arithmetic principles.
4.2. Additional prizes of Tankoin Fund
4.2.1. For every million Tankoins in the Tankoin Fund (up to the thirtieth million) there is a mark.
4.2.2. If Tankoin Fund reaches this mark, every Participant, who executed actions described in part 3 of these Rules, gets the corresponding prize for this mark, according to part 4.2.3 of the Rules, after the end of the Contest.
4.2.3. Marks and prizes:
- Mark 1: 10 units of the «Nuclear Energy» supply
- Mark 2: Additional protection module slot
- Mark 3: 15 COMMON keys
- Mark 4: 500 units of the «Mine» supply
- Mark 5: 500 units of the «Boosted Armor» supply
- Mark 6: 500 units of the «Boosted Damage» supply
- Mark 7: 500 units of the «Repair kit» supply
- Mark 8: 500 units of the «Speed boost» supply
- Mark 9: 15 COMMON keys
- Mark 10: 5 RARE keys
- Mark 11: Shaft’s «Jamming Sight» augment
- Mark 12: 30 units of the «Nuclear Energy» supply
- Mark 13: Crisis drone
- Mark 14: 15 RARE keys
- Mark 15: Magnum’s «Freezing core» augment
- Mark 16: 30 EPIC keys
- Mark 17: Armadillo module
- Mark 18: 15 RARE keys
- Mark 19: Vulcan’s «Freezing band» augment
- Mark 20: 30 EPIC keys
- Mark 21: Twins GT skin
- Mark 22: 15 RARE keys
- Mark 23: Smoky’s «Hyperspeed rounds» augment
- Mark 24: 30 EPIC keys
- Mark 25: 1 LEGENDARY key
- Mark 26: 15 RARE keys
- Mark 27: Mammoth GT skin
- Mark 28: 30 EPIC keys
- Mark 29: Firebird’s «Critical mix» augment
- Mark 30: 3 LEGENDARY keys
5. The Procedure and Schedule for Awarding of Promotion and Prizes
5.1. The announcement of Prize-winners will take place on the platform YouTube on the air live, where with the help of randomizer-software algorithms that generate a random sequence of Users’ game accounts, prize-winners will be chosen out of the total amount of Contest Participants who have fulfilled all demands listed in section 3 of the Contest Rules, in the quantity stated in section 4.1.4 of the Promotion Rules.
5.2. Compensation Amount and relevant quantity of Prize-winners will be fixed according to the Scheme of remuneration, depending on the aggregate of the Contest Fund’s Amount. These summary data will be brought to the attention of Participants no later than 2 hours prior to the announcement of Prize-winners via publishing information on the website.
5.3. Adding Compensation and Additional prizes of the Contest’s Tankoin Fund will be done within 3 (three) working days since the day of announcing Winners.
6. Other conditions of the Contest
6.1. By participating in the Contest, the Participant agrees with these Rules of the Contest and is obliged to follow them.
6.2. The Participant expresses the consent with the following, that the Organizer does not recompense for the loss associated with participation in the Contest.
6.3. Information about Contest Rules, and any amendments to the Contest Rules is delivered to the Participants of the Contest through publishing information on the Website.
6.4. The Organizer has a right to take the decision to refuse the Participant delivery of the Prize in the case of violations of the conditions and limitations provided by these Rules and conditions of The Licensing Agreement.
6.5. Regarding any questions associated with the running of the Contest, the Participant has a right to contact the Customer support via email address: help@tankionline.com.
6.6. Complaints of the Participants regarding the participation in the Contest are admitted for examination by the Organizer of the Contest within 30 (thirty) days from the day of the announcement of the Winners.
6.7. The Organizer of the Contest has a right to amend the Rules of its running without the prior and/or following notification of the Participant. Information about any amendments to the Contest Rules is delivered through publishing information on the Website. If the Participant continues their participation in the Contest after amendments to the Contest Rules, it is recognized as their consent with such amendments.
6.8. In matters of regulation that have not been covered by these Rules, the Organizer and Content Participants will conform to applicable federal laws and General Rules for Promotions and Contests.