Bonus for testing
The «Tanks in Space» Mini-game
Cosmonautics Day 2024
Tanki Online V-LOG: Episode 503
Mobile «Tanki Online» — now on the HTML5 engine!
Summer Major Rankings III

I have problems purchasing crystals in Tanki Online

1. You can find information about all the payment methods available in this FAQ.

2. If you have already paid for crystals, but still have not received them:

– With some payment systems it can take a certain amount of time (about 1-2 hours) to confirm the transaction. Verification of your financial information for security purposes may also delay this process.

– If you have paid for crystals using any payment method except SMS, you can contact customer support of the payment system you used to determine your payment’s status and correct it if necessary.

– If you have paid for crystals via SMS or failed to correct the payment, please fill in a bug report and send to our technical support. How to send bug report?

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