Rules of conducting The «Rally Tankcar 2024» Competition

1.  Main information. Organiser of the Contest.

1.1. These Rules regulate the procedure of how the contest “Rally Tankcar” (hereinafter referred to as “the Contest”) is organised and conducted.

1.2. The Organiser of the Contest is APL Publishing Ltd, a Cypriot corporation with company registration number HE 424713 having its registered address at Neofytou Nikolaidi & Kilkis, 35, Flat/Office 312, 8011 Paphos, Cyprus. (further – Organiser).

1.3. The information support of Contest is provided on the website [] (hereinafter referred to as “the Contest Website”).

1.4. The Contest is being conducted on Cyprus territory, on the Contest Website.

1.5. To take part in this contest, a player has to purchase a special Event Pass in the Shop of the Game.

1.6. This contest is governed by Section 3 of the Licensing Agreement [] for the interactive multiplayer online game Tanki Online For purposes of these Rules applies section 3 of The Licensing Agreement of interactive multiuser online game Tanki Online (hereinafter referred to as “the Game), as well as the following Terms and Definitions.

1.6.1. Event Pass – an in-game item, purchased by Participant, that unlocks access to take part in the Contest, randomly assigns a participant to one of the factions.

1.6.2. Star – in-game currency that Participant can receive at the end of the game battle if they show good results, as well as purchase in the game’s Shop. Within this Contest, only stars obtained by these two ways are taken into account.

1.6.3. Personal task – a task available to Participant after purchasing Event Pass, to complete which Participant needs to get the required number of Stars within the required time period, and for completing which Participant receives an in-game Prize.

1.6.4. Personal competition – the totality of all Personal tasks of Participant.

1.6.5. Personal progress –  progress of Participant in the Personal competition, the number of Stars received by Participant and the number of Personal tasks completed by Participant.

1.6.6. Team competition – arithmetic average of Stars recevied by all Participants of Team (who received at least 30 stars) within the required time period.

1.6.7. Faction – a team that consists of Participants of the Contest.

1.6.8. Team competition winner – the Faction that is not eliminated from Team competition at the end of the Contest.

1.6.9. Race – a time period following which one Faction and all Participants of this Faction are eliminated from participation in the competition.

2.  The Dates and Structure of Contest

2.1. The Contest starts at 05:00 AM Moscow time on October 4th 2024, and ends at 05:00 AM Moscow time on October 12th 2024. Moscow time (UTC +3). The selection and announcement of the Winners of the Contest will take place on October 12th 2024 through information published on the Website

2.2. Dates of stages and races are in the table. Moscow time (UTC +3).

107.10.2024 05:0008.10.2024 05:00
208.10.2024 05:0009.10.2024 05:00
309.10.2024 05:0010.10.2024 05:00
410.10.2024 05:0011.10.2024 05:00
511.10.2024 05:0012.10.2024 05:00

3. Terms and Conditions

3.1. To take part in the Contest, the Participant must be a User of the Game, and purchase the Event Pass in the Shop in the Game.

3.2.  Terms and Conditions for Contest Participation 

3.2.1. After purchasing the Event Pass, the Participant is randomly assigned to one of Factions, and will get access to Personal tasks. 

3.2.2. By achieving high results in game battles, Participant gets Stars.

3.2.3. Participant can also purchase Stars in the game’s Shop.

3.2.4. Stars received by Participant are added to Participant’s Personal competition of current Race, as well as to Team competition (only in Participant received at least 30 stars within the time period of the Race) of current Race.

3.2.5. Race ends with determination of the Faction that scored the worst results in the Team standings within the time period of this Elimination race, elimination of this Faction from the Contest and advancing of the other Faction to the next Race.

3.2.6. Following an end of a Race, for all Participants results of Personal competition and Team competition of this Race are fixed.

3.2.7. If Participant’s Faction is not eliminated from the Contest following the results of a Race, Personal competition prizes for of this Race for Participant are fixed.

3.3. In case of fraud attempts (violation of the Game Rules in order to obtain Stars), the Participant may be disqualified without the right to appeal, and the Participant’s game account may be blocked.

4.  Drawing and rewarding the winners

4.1. Drawing and rewarding the winners of the Contest

4.1.1. After the end of the Contest, Participant receives the fixed Prizes.

4.1.2. All the Prizes are issued on the mentioned dates after the end of the Contest.

4.1.3. Participant receives a Prize, if they meet all the mentioned requirements: Participant receives a Prize, if at the moment of the end of the Contest, Participant is in Faction that has not been eliminated from the Contest following the results of the Race mentioned in the section 4.1.4 (column Prize) for the Prize. Participant receives a Prize, if within the time period of the Race mentioned in the section 4.1.4 (column Race) for the Prize earned not less than the number of stars mentioned for the Prize (column Personal competition Stars). In each Race, an additional Prize is provided for five Participants of each Faction who have earned the highest number of Personal competition Stars within the time period of the Race, if the Fraction has not been eliminated from Team competition at the end of the Race. The list of the best Participants of each Faction for each Race is fixed at the end of the Race.

1«Bomb» Granade ×100
2Nuclear Energy ×5
3Nuclear Energy ×10
4Legendary Key ×1
5Legendary Key ×1

4.1.4 Prizes:

RacePersonal competition StarsPrize
130Common Key ×10
160Rare Key ×3
190Epic Key ×5
230Common Key ×20
260Rare Key ×5
290«Bomb» Granade ×100
330Common Key ×30
360«Bomb» Granade ×100
390Epic Key ×10
430«Bomb» Granade ×100
460Rare Key ×7
490Epic Key ×15
530«Bomb» Granade ×100
560«Bomb» Granade ×300
590Tankoins ×100

5. Other conditions of the Contest

5.1. By participating in the Contest, the Participant agrees with these Rules of the Contest and is obliged to follow them.

5.2. The Participant expresses the consent with the following, that the Organiser does not recompense for the loss associated with participation in the Contest. 

5.3. Information about Contest Rules, and any amendments to the Contest Rules is delivered to the Participants of the Contest through publishing information on the Website.

5.4. The Organiser has a right to take the decision to refuse the Participant delivery of the Prize in the case of violations of the conditions and limitations provided by these Rules and conditions of The Licensing Agreement.

5.5. Regarding any questions associated with the running of the Contest, the Participant has a right to contact the Customer support via email address:

5.6. Complaints of the Participants regarding the participation in the Contest are admitted for examination by the Organiser of the Contest within 30 (thirty) days from the day of the announcement of the Winners. 

5.7. The Organiser of the Contest has a right to amend the Rules of its running without the prior and/or following notification of the Participant. Information about any amendments to the Contest Rules is delivered through publishing information on the Website. If the Participant continues their participation in Contest after amendments to the Contest Rules, it is recognized as their consent with such amendments.

5.8. In matters of regulation that have not been covered by these Rules, the Organizer and Promotion Participants will conform to applicable federal laws.

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