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Tanki Online V-LOG: Episode 504
The «Tanks in Space» Mini-game

Interview with new reporters

11 October, 2013

Our reporter Hogree interviewed 6 newcomers and asked them to tell a bit about themselves. The results can be found below! Enjoy reading!



Hey, ArchangeI. Could you tell us a bit about yourself and who you are?

Sure. My name is Ilia, I was born in Ukraine 20 years ago, but I’ve lived all over Europe and I love to travel. Naturally, I learned English a lot earlier than my mother tongue, which is Russian. I finished Cambridge College a few years back, with excellent scores in Language and Literature, but my passions were for the Arts, so I enrolled in Graphic Design. For the last few years I live in Bosnia – working as a volunteer, and a part-time Web Designer (since no one pays me for volunteering). My hobbies are photography, music (I play quite a few instruments), snowboarding and others, in which I frequently indulge. I like Tanki as well, of course, though more for the community than the game itself. I play on a Hornet+Rail, and I’ve never bothered to buy any paint, as I think anything cheaper than 150k is pretty useless on a light hull. Just days ago I was accepted into the Creative League by winning the Battle for Helios contest, which is an awesome honor for me. You can probably expect to see some of my work soon.

Awesome. When did you join Tanki, and what made you interested in taking up the job of Reporter?

I joined Tanki over a year ago, having been invited by my best friend michael_forsage, but I got bored quite fast and left. In June, however, I rediscovered TO, and this time it pulled me in for good. When the reporter recruitment came along, my attitude was closer to “better give it a shot than just give up”. I never considered myself a good writer. But apparently I am capable of a thing or two, and I was genuinely surprised by some of the pieces I wrote. But now that I’m here, I’m determined to put everything I’ve got into writing for the community.

Neat. Now. if you could think of three words just off the top of your head to describe yourself, what would they be?

Three words? That should be difficult. Artistic, ambitious, lazy. To be honest, I don’t know how the latter two go together, but at the same time they both describe me fairly well.

Okay… what about if you could choose one super-power to have?

One super power? I’ve heard this question many a time, but I’ve never come up with an answer for myself. I think I’d like to be able to connect with people. It’s a very difficult power to describe. It’s not just telepathy or mind-reading, but being able to share soul and mind. I think so many amazing things could stem from that one power.

Yup, that sounds cool. If you had to choose one of the reporters to be your mentor, who would you choose?

Probably Lham, as his style of writing is very close to mine. Though I want learn from all of you, I won’t go as far as to learn to write in a new style – I’d rather strengthen what I already know.

Okay. Lastly, as a new reporter, could you give us a sneak-peek as to what sort of articles you’ll be writing in the future? Do you specialise in any sort of articles?

I’ve had plenty of ideas as far as what to write. Anything, as long as it’s not a Novel or a Humor piece. I like writing tutorials on game play, on designing. I like to interview people. I like analysing game statistics, and summarising them for people to understand and benefit from them. I like to make educational videos. I also like to translate well-written Russian articles, and adapt them to be interesting for the English community as well. For the present time nothing much has been happening, and similarly not many ideas have popped into my mind, but there are a few – like interviewing some staff and respected members of the community about their opinion on the new physics, in order to get a well-balanced report. I’d also like to translate quite a few interesting Russian articles, and slowly publish them here – I think some players will find them interesting.

Kkay. 🙂 Thanks dude.

My pleasure.



Yo Vikingsrall. Could you tell us a bit about yourself and who you are?

I am the infamous Vikingsrall. Most know me from the old clan DC and I am a Cybersport Commentator. I’m a tennis and baseball player. I enjoy listening/playing music.

Okay. So when did you join Tanki, and what made you interested in the reporter role?

I joined Tanki in the summer of 2011. I’ve been interested in a job as a reporter for quite a while and I’ve always wanted to because of the opportunity to write and create things for the community and I’m excited to be finally doing it. I hope I can contribute to the newspaper and community in a good way. 🙂

Okay, great. If you could think of three words that best describe yourself, what would they be?

Agile, Diligent, Unusual.

And what about if you could choose one super-power to have?

I would want telekinesis. It would make almost everything you do easier. You could multitask easier, save the glass of milk from falling off the counter, pick up tennis balls without having to bend over, go without discomfort you get from having to get up from where you are to get something on the other side of the room, etc.

Good idea! Now, if you could choose one of the current reporters for a mentor, who would you choose?

Hmm, I would choose Valletta as a mentor. I like his style of writing and I hope I can produce pieces as entertaining as his.

Great. Finally, could you give us a sneak-peek as to what you will be writing in the future? Do you specialise in anything?

I’m primarily focusing on writing stories, but I do hope to do some other things as well. I will be expanding on my entry for the reporter job, “Theft at the Factory”, and be looking into how paints got their names. 😛

Okay great. Thanks for your time!

No problem 🙂



Hi Fjelstad! Could you firstly tell us a bit about yourself and who you are?

Hi, Hogree! Well, I am a 14 year old living in Minnesota, USA. It’s a little agricultural area and we don’t see much action. I am currently a Freshman in high school and am part of the school’s chess club. I spend most of my free time playing Tanki and doing some part time YouTubing.

Neat. So when did you join Tanki, and what made you interested in becoming a Reporter?

That is a bit of a hard question! I technically “joined” Tanki way back in 2010. It was on an account that I no longer have. I had forgotten about the game for about a year after that. In the fall of 2011, I re-found it and made “Fjelstad1678”. I feel that is when I joined Tanki. I have wanted to be a reporter for quite a while now. Back even since the Tanki English Newspaper’s first days. I guess I really just liked the idea of entertaining others. Really neat to think about the people all around the globe reading your stories. 🙂

Okay. Now, how about if you were asked for three words that would describe you best? How would you answer?

Not good at counting. 😀

Ok, now honestly:

Kind and intelligent.

Lolz. Well, if you could choose one super hero power, what would it be and why?

Ohh, classic one. Umm, I would probably have to go with… teleportation. It seems like it would be really cool to be able to get to any place on Earth or beyond just with the snap of your fingers.

Right, now what about if you could choose one reporter to be your mentor? Who would you choose?

Oh man, I can only pick 1? Well, if I had to pick one, I would probably choose Valletta because he has helped me before and I enjoy his personality.

Right. Lastly, as a new reporter, what sort of material can we be expecting from you? Is there anything you particularly specialise in?

I have a story that I was writing earlier that’s main plot is during the WWII era. I have a feeling it is going to be a good one, so look out for it! I plan to write a lot of stories because I feel I am good at writing them. I may write some reviews and maybe a occasional contest as well.

Awesome! Thanks for your time.

You’re welcome!



Hey bdeck, nice to speak to you today. Could you tell us a bit about yourself and who you are?

Hello. I’m a teacher, and my nephew introduced me to Tanki. Prior to that, I mostly played chess online. I’m married, I have two small children, and when I’m not online I like camping and being outdoors. Before starting teaching, I was a professional journalist for several years.

Nice. So, when did you join Tanki, and what made you interested in the reporter job?

I started playing a few months back, and the reporter position interested me because it’s just a natural fit for my skill set. Also, I’d like to contribute something to the community.

Sure. Now, what three words do you think describe you best?

3 Words: Daddy, Teacher, Journalist.

Okay! Now, what about if you could have a super-power… what would you choose?

I would pick the ability to fly, assuming I also had super strength. It’s the only way I’d ever be able to take the family on an international vacation.

Lol. Okay. Finally, as a new reporter, could you give us a sneak-peek as to what sort of articles you will be writing? Do you have a certain type of article you particularly specialise in?

I’m best with interviewing people and writing straightforward news. I’d like to write about tournaments, and I’d love to interview a developer one day, although I don’t speak Russian so it might be hard to do that.

Great, thanks a lot for your time!

No problem.



Hi there, hithere! 😛 Could you tell us a bit about yourself, and who you are?

I am hithere1, you can call me hit – or hi there. I am a teenager who likes to play football and team sports and activities. I was born in England and I currently live in England. I started college this september, and my aim is to finish college and to go to university in September 2015. I am a helpful guy who loves to provide support for those in need. I want to be successful in life, just as many others would too!

OK. When did you join Tanki, and what made you interested in becoming a reporter?

I joined Tanki online whilst at school. It was in June 2012, during the Euro 2012. When I created my account, I only thought I would play Tanki Online just for that day. However my plan failed and I continued to play Tanki Online. It was so fun at that time, especially when I drove into a “gold box”. I didn’t realise that it was a gold box until I saw that my crystals increased around 10 minutes later! I didn’t know there was a reporter team until a few months after I joined the forum. I’ve been inspired by the amazing talents from the reporter team. I always read guides and it helped me a lot.

Lol cool! Now, if you had to choose three words to describe yourself, what would they be?

Loyal, helpful and trustworthy.

Okay, now what about if you had to choose a superpower for yourself? What would you choose?

Superhuman speed, it’s always good to be fast. I’m a fast runner that’s the easiest reason why. But for deadlines I need to be fast and I need the ability to work hard and work fast.

If you had to choose one of the reporters to be a mentor, who would it be?

I’m not sure, it wouldn’t be fair if I chose one of my friends, but if I did I would choose loktinho or I would opt to choose hogree.

Thanks. 😛 As a new reporter, could you give us a sneak-peek to what sort of articles you’ll be writing in the future? Is there anything you particularly specialise in?

I will most likely be writing guides, or articles. The guides and articles will be about weapons, hulls, strategies and even gameplay. Enjoy!

Okay great. Thanks a lot for your time.

Its okay, you’re welcome.



Yo aojsd. Nice to speak to you. Could you tell us a bit about yourself, and who you are?

My name is Michael, I live in the US and I’m 14 years old. My parents are Chinese, and as a result I know a decent amount of Mandarin Chinese. In school I’m learning French, and I’m able to speak some simple sentences in it. My best and favorite subjects in school would have to be both math, or maths in many other countries, history, and science. I’m not completely sure what I want to be doing once I graduate, but currently I’m quite interested in both astronomy and physics.
My hobbies include math, chess, tennis, and fencing. I like to say that I’m pretty good at chess. I’ve been playing it for 7 or 8 years, last year I became the 8th grade champion in the state that I live in, New Jersey, and I also helped my school team win the National Chess Championship in the K-9 section at a tournament with more than 5000 people participating. Of course, I also enjoy playing Tanki quite a bit. Recently I bought Wasp M2, and I absolutely love it. The speed is quite addicting in my opinion. Currently my most used combo is Wasp+Thunder, although I plan on getting Smoky m2 in the near future. I almost always use the paint Rustle whenever I play.
Other than that I don’t have much else to say, other than that I’m extremely excited for writing for the newspaper, and I hope that whatever I write is entertaining for all the readers of the community. 😀

Cool! So, when did you join Tanki? And what made you interested in becoming a reporter?

I joined Tanki somewhere in 2011 (you can find out a more exact date by clicking on my profile) when I overheard some of my friends talking about it in school. What made me truly very interested in becoming a reporter was the opportunity for me to share and improve upon my story writing and journalism skills, seeing that I will soon be joining my school newspaper as well. Obviously the crystals are nice, but they’re more like a, “Good job!” instead of being my main motivation.

Right. Now, if you could choose three words to describe you best, what would you choose?

Receptive, Respectful, Intelligent

Okay. Now, what about if you could choose a super-power for yourself?

I would choose extreme speed without tiring, because then if I were to be attacked I would be able to avoid them and escape or fight back without being hit myself. Also, I’ve always wanted to be able to do parkour, and if I was incredibly fast, I would have the momentum to allow me to do cool flips or wall jumps/runs and other things.

Sure. If you could choose one of the reporters as a mentor for you, who would you choose?

This one’s hard, before I would’ve chosen Goldrock, I absolutely loved his humor articles, but seeing that he’s no longer a reporter, I’d probably say Valletta. I found his “Tanki-Tech and its Analogies” article quite funny, and I really enjoyed reading his stories which, unlike many of the other stories in the newspaper, involved both humans playing Tanki and characters in-game.

Okay. Finally, could you give us a sneak-peek into what sort of stuff you will be writing in the future? Is there anything you specialise in particularly?

Currently I plan on writing an article based on my experiences coming back to playing Tanki after almost a year of inactivity. The character, if I decide to write it as a story, would go through the challenges and discoveries of the rebalance, and also see what it was like to see one’s friends and former clan members at much higher ranks than before. As for the kinds of articles I particularly specialize in, I enjoy writing fictional stories, especially ones that revolve around a plot that I can relate to.

Right, thanks a lot for your time!

No problem.

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