
Inactive accounts under threat of deletion

05 June, 2024
Attention! Important news!
We have decided to make a system for the removal of inactive accounts.
Here’s why we want to do that and how to protect your account from deletion due to inactivity.

This year Tanki Online is turning 15 years old! A lot of people joined us in all those years and created hundreds of millions of accounts. But unfortunately, as time passed, not all players stayed in the game.

We want to make the game as comfortable for active players as possible, so we plan to remove the information about inactive accounts. This way we will reduce the load on the servers.

Which accounts will be considered inactive:

If you want to save your account from being deleted, activate it by just entering the «Tanki Online» game until 2 AM UTC June 14th, 2024.

Accounts that match the criteria to be removed, if not activated until 2 AM UTC June 14th, 2024, will be removed with all the data of the accounts.

This decision comes into force in accordance with our Licence Agreement (Section 17) and Privacy Policy.

Note: Deleted accounts can not be restored.

If you want to save an account, please activate it by simply logging into the game.

If you have questions left or need help with your account, contact us at

Thank you for your attention!

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