May holidays 2024
Tanki Online V-LOG: Episode 504
The «Tanks in Space» Mini-game

DDoS attack

14 November, 2022



During the last few days, the game has experienced technical problems: difficulties with access to the game and game resources.


The reason is a large-scale DDoS attack on the game servers and project sites.

Now all our resources are directed to connect much more reliable protection. Providing you with a smooth gaming experience is our priority. While a part of our team is putting a lot of effort to resolve the issues and ensure the continued availability of the game in the long term, the other part is working on planned updates and events.


It is important to understand that different people on different positions work on these tasks. If new skins appear in the game, new updates are released and new events are launched, it doesn’t mean that we are not working on restoring the game’s availability and protection, or that we do not use all our resources.

Now about the pleasant. There will be compensation, and it will include days of Premium Pass and lollipops. We will announce it and send it to your accounts once we are sure that we are protected from further DDoS attacks, which shouldn’t take much time.


Thank you for staying with us! We will be keeping you updated ❤️

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