May holidays 2024
Tanki Online V-LOG: Episode 504
The «Tanks in Space» Mini-game

Challenge accepted

16 September, 2022

Hello, tankers!


It turns out that the Challenge doesn’t end when you reach 3000 stars!


Recently, we challenged tankers whose counter of stars is always over this number. The «Crisis XT» drone is the super prize of the challenge!


The winners of this «Challenge accepted» event are:

1. Boss — 66122 stars (Crisis XT)
2. Great — 27674 stars
3. matrics7980 — 12786 stars (Helios)
4. BIG_2016 — 8777 stars (Helios)
5. Sanni — 8002 stars
6. Feo — 7723 stars
7. Ingvar-M — 7526 stars (Helios)
8. MRL-Missoula — 7376 stars
9. H-I-G-H-L-A-N-D-E-R — 7280 stars (Helios)
10. Boris4311 — 7272 stars

12. Superarms — 6936 stars (Helios)
21. STA_L_KER — 5780 stars (Helios)
27. 34_majestic_34 — 5611 stars (Helios)
33. Debby — 5517 stars (Helios)
34. mihnea2020 — 5342 stars (Helios)
36. Enzo — 5304 stars (Helios)


We announce a new Challenge. Players with the highest number of stars earned will get the following prizes:


* — in case a winner already owns the super prize, nobody gets the super prize. This way, the winner can keep being the only owner of this unique drone as long as they are the winner of every «Challenge accepted» event.


The rules are simple: earn stars during the new challenge. 

Track your progress and see the list of TOP-100 players on the special page.

May the most active players win!

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