May holidays 2024
Tanki Online V-LOG: Episode 504
The «Tanks in Space» Mini-game

Challenge accepted!

02 August, 2022

Hello, tankers!


It turns out that the Challenge doesn’t end when you reach 3000 stars.


Recently, we challenged the bravest and the most courageous tankers by giving the new «Scorpion» turret to the players with the highest number of stars and without the following super prize.


The winners of the previous Challenge are:


P.S. Players having their nicknames crossed out already have Scorpion so they are not counted.


We see that you like these type of challenges we prepare for you, so we increase the prize pool to make things more interesting:


The rules are simple: earn stars during the new August A Challenge. 

The top 10 players with the highest number of stars and without the following super prize will get the new «Scorpion» turret!

May the most active players win!

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