May holidays 2024
Tanki Online V-LOG: Episode 504
The «Tanks in Space» Mini-game

Updated October Challenge I

30 September, 2020





The new Challenge starts tomorrow (Thursday, Oct 1st)!

We have implemented some changes to our Challenge activities so you had better read this announcement till the end.


We have been watching your feedback and we have seen all your comments about Challenges becoming boring and routine. Many of you also have been saying that you spend a lot of time getting stars to complete a challenge.




In order to let you complete challenges more easily (not faster, that’s important), we are adding stars to daily, weekly, and special missions.


So, why is this better?

If you complete all the daily and weekly missions you receive during a challenge, you will be automatically completing the challenge.


But what if I miss some missions?

In this case, you still can earn stars in matchmaking battles. Also, don’t forget that special missions will also have stars in prizes! These will let you complete 3-4 stages of any challenge.


Will you just replace current mission prizes with stars?

No, no and no. We won’t replace the prizes which you receive from missions with stars. We will simply add stars to these prizes.


It looks like now I will be completing challenges in 3-4 days.

Challenges are challenges. They should be challenging so the number of stars you need to have to complete a challenge will be increased to 3000. Wait, instead of going to comments right now and writing that it’s impossible to get 3000 stars in 15 days, just remember what we have just told you: if you complete all the daily and weekly missions you receive during a challenge, you will be automatically completing the challenge.


We have decided to choose this number of stars because we find it an optimal number to ensure that these activities are still challenging but simultaneously convenient, and most players should be able to complete them by spending not too much time playing almost every day.


You do not need to spend a lot of time during weekends now, just complete daily missions every day and weekly missions every week.


We will also update star bundles in the Shop for those who want to complete challenges with the least effort.

We will keep an eye on your reviews and maybe some other changes will be implemented later to make challenges even better.




In addition to the Crystals, Supplies, Batteries and other goodies that you’ve come to expect, this month’s updated Challenge features the following special rewards:


«Surf» animated paint



There is also a new regular paint to snatch up:


«Target» paint 



And of course, don’t forget the grand prizes in the final stage: 100 Tankoins (Silver Tier — free to complete) and a Skin Container (Gold Tier — requires Battle Pass). 


Open a Skin Container and get a cool skin! Each one may drop a random skin from the following:


It’s a great way to finally complete your collection!


Don’t forget that, with Premium Pass, you will receive twice as many stars for each battle!

And as requested, we have returned the Premium Pass + Battle Pass bundle which will be available in the Showcase within 5 days after the start of the challenge.

So, log into the game on Thursday (October 1st) and start completing the missions to get your stars!

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