May holidays 2024
Tanki Online V-LOG: Episode 504
The «Tanks in Space» Mini-game

Tanki is going out Contest

07 August, 2020



What is the main advantage of the «Tanki Online» mobile version? Well, you can take the game anywhere! This thing inspired us to launch a new contest, «Tanki is going out».


Your task is to go for a walk, launch «Tanki» on your phone and take a photo of the phone with the background of a street, a beautiful building, sights, a summer cafe or nature.


Next, you have to post the photo you took on your Instagram page. In the description of the post you should write your in-game nickname, and the unique hashtag of the contest #tomobilegoesforawalkEN and mention our Tanki Online Instagram account @tankionlineen.


IMPORTANT: Consider that your Instagram profile should be public during the event, otherwise we won’t be able to see your entry.


Examples of the entries:




Assessment criteria:



Authors of decent works who do not manage to finish in the top three, will get a consolation prize of 10 000 crystals and 5 containers.  


Entries will be accepted until 13:00 UTC on the 19th of August. The results will be published on 21st of August. 

We wish you best of luck and an enjoyable walk with Tanki!

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