
February Challenge — XT Skin Container

31 January, 2020





The new Challenge starts on Saturday (February 1st).

But this month, we’re doing things a little bit differently. Here’s a list of the things that have changed:



Here’s the really cool part — the top stage of every Challenge will reward you with 100 Tankoins in the Silver Tier, and an XT Container in the Gold Tier.


And of course, throughout your journey you’ll be earning thousands of Crystals, loads of Supplies, Batteries, Gold Boxes, Containers, and other goodies, including these cool paints.







As always, you can access rewards from the Silver Tier for free, including the final prize — 100 Tankoins.


Or if you want even more rewards for your efforts, a Battle Pass (available from the Shop) will unlock the Gold Tier for you, where XT Skin Container awaits. The XT Container will drop a random XT Skin from among those that are not in your collection. And if you have them all, you’ll get 20 000 Crystals instead.


And remember, you can also purchase the Battle Pass bundled with Premium, which gives you double Stars for every battle you complete!


Finish your Challenge with half the effort with Premium, and claim all the rewards with a Battle Pass.


So, log into the game on Saturday (February 1st) and start collecting those Stars. The first stage only needs 10 Stars and will bring you 2500 Crystals, plus 3 Containers if you have a Battle Pass.


Get ready for the February Challenge!


IMPORTANT NOTE: This first Challenge contains 50 levels and requires a total of 1000 Stars to earn the final reward.

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