
XT-Skins, Drones, Balance Update

22 June, 2018



With the morning restart on June 23rd a big update will be released in the game. 3 new drones will become available for purchase, a new set of XT-skins and new kits will be added to the Shop and several changed will be made to the balance of turrets and maps.


New skins in the Shop


After the restart a new special offer with XT-skins will appear in the shop for Viking and Thunder. These skins will be also added to containers. At the same time the previous special offer for skins will be removed from the Shop, and starting tomorrow XT skins for Hornet and Railgun can be found only within containers.


New drones


New trio of drones arrives tomorrow already, and it’s Engineer, Drive and Supplies!



Additionally, we will also change the parameters of the old drones:



Detailed parameters of the new drones and tweaks to the old will be soon added to the Wiki.


Balance and map changes


With the release we will also introduce changes to Isida and Freeze turrets.



New kits in the Shop


With the restart new Kits will be added to the Shop:


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