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New Mission Chains Update

26 April, 2018



With the morning restart on April 27th, a new update is coming to Tanki Online. As we’ve shared in the V-LOG 169, changes will affect the mechanics of mission chains and the length of regular, non-PRO battles.


New Mission Chains


As you remember, during New Year celebrations we’ve frozen the mission chains reset mechanic, so they won’t drop if you miss a day. We’ve seen a lot of players positively greet the change, and it’s because you can lose your chain for any number of reasons — your internet goes down, power is out, your are enjoying a vacation, holidays, or, on very rare occasions, server maintenance.


Now, if you miss a day and don’t complete daily missions to progress your mission chain, you will NOT lose your chain progress! When you return to the game, your mission chain will be exactly where you left it. Complete the weekly chain when you want, and get the rewards!


Also after the release the maximum level of mission chains will be increased from 4 to 10.


Rewards for mission chains will also change. For example, on the Legend rank when you complete Week 4 you will get 4200 crystals, 28 repair kits, 84 of each other supply (except Gold Boxes) and 2 containers.


For completing Week 10 and all weeks after you will get the same rewards as for Week 4 in the old system, but with 1 big difference — 1 more container (4 instead of 3)!


Later today mission chain rewards will be added to the Wiki, and you can check each set of rewards by week.


IMPORTANT: If you’re on the last level of the current mission chain (Week 4), then after the update you will remain on the same week — Week 4. When you complete the weekly chain, you will get the rewards for Week 4 of the new system.


New Battle Length


One more update that will be released with the morning restart will affect the length of battles. Now battles will be 10 minutes long, instead of 15. This will affect only regular, non-PRO battles and will be the next step in implementing the Matchmaking system.


Open the game after server restart 02:00 UTC on April 27th, check out the update and share your thoughts on the new mission chains and battles in this thread!


NOTE: Patch Notes for the update will be released later today.

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