Equipment Upgrades
It is now mandatory to upgrade your equipment. You can no longer purchase the next modification without upgrading the current one.
How does it work now?
A player has Wasp Mk2, upgraded to the 5th level, Mk2-5. The player ranks up and gets access to Wasp Mk3. The player can purchase Wasp Mk3. The player is not required to upgrade the current Mk2-5 modification to Mk2-10.
How will it work?
A player has Wasp Mk2, upgraded to the 5th level, Mk2-5. The player ranks up and gets access to Wasp Mk3. The player cannot purchase Wasp Mk3. The player first needs to upgrade the current Mk2-5 modification to Mk2-10.
Why have these changes been made?
This way we will have a simpler and more logical path for new players. Moreover, with these changes, players will be able to upgrade the parameters of their equipment more smoothly.
We understand that this way you will have to spend more crystals on upgrades. That’s why we have changed the prices of purchasing modifications. Now you can purchase modifications for a nominal fee in Tankoins:
- Mk2 — 3 Tankoins
- Mk3 — 4 Tankoins
- Mk4 — 5 Tankoins
- Mk5 — 6 Tankoins
- Mk6 — 7 Tankoins
- Mk7 — 8 Tankoins
You don’t have to buy Tankoins for cash. There other ways to get them for free:
- Free tier of Battle Pass
- Weekly Containers
- New Tutorial Missions
Your Progress Screen
We have added a new page to the game’s menu — Your Progress. Click on the icon of your rank in the Lobby to open it.

On the new screen, you can see your progress and can find out the rank at which the following features become available:
- new items
- new modifications of equipment
- new battle modes
- chat
- PRO battles

Tutorial Changes
Currently you receive all the Tutorial Missions at once, in a single set. However that creates a problem for new players — it is confusing to scroll through the many different missions.
To make it easier, we are replacing the current Tutorial Missions with new ones. They follow the «Encore» mission system.
«Encore» is a phased mission system. You have a small set of regular missions to complete. Once you complete them all, you also complete a supermission automatically. Once the supermission is completed, you unlock access to the next set of missions.
Another nice change is the rewards for these missions. The first set contains days of Premium Pass, and the last one contains Tankoins.
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