
Freeze & Viking XT HD

01 June, 2023
Adding new HD skins to the game!
In honour of the Tanki Online’s 14th birthday, new, highly-detailed XT HD skins for Viking and Freeze will soon see the light of day. Here’s how you can obtain them!

Viking XT HD

With the update on June 2nd, the Viking XT HD skin will be added to Ultra Containers. Enter the game and open new Ultra Containers. Who knows? You might just become one of its lucky, first owners!

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Viking XT HD

Space explorers found a new highly durable gold alloy on the moon that is charged with moon energy. Our constructors did not waste time and immediately developed new metal plates of unprecedented strength for Viking and added the red glow of the diamond stone. This skin attracts attention with its brilliantly-expensive golden color and leaves no chance of escape for opponents when confronted.

Freeze XT HD

As for the Freeze XT HD skin, it will be added to the special Elite Battle Pass. You will find more information about it in the announcement of the event.

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Freeze XT HD

A more detailed and elaborately-drawn model of this turret, giving it a powerful and spectacular look. All the smallest details were taken into account! The watchful eagle eye, which has a built-in laser sight, lets you examine the opponent even when playing on the largest maps. Strong tusks of mammoths of the Pliocene, found during excavations, are installed on the sides of the turret, giving it enormous advantage in close combat! The skin turned out to be very fearsome and dangerous. Your opponent will definitely feel nervous when they meet you in a battle.

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