Hello, tankers!
Tomorrow, February 18th, the new interface will be released in Tanki!
Now, upon entering the game, you will be greeted with a modern design, a new color palette, updated lobbies and the Garage. We took into account your wishes and made the interface more informative.

This important update will make your time in the game more enjoyable and convenient, and changes in the structure of the Garage will make it easier to find items and view up-to-date information about current turrets.
What changed:
Updated logo

For the first time in the history of the game, Tanki changes its logo!
The main concept of the symbol, created a decade ago – a tank inscribed in a pentagon with a turned turret – has been preserved. However, we have refreshed the logo to make it more concise and modern to match the new interface.
New color palette
Restrained, but saturated colors, so as not to strain your eyes and focus on the main thing.
A new library of icons and notifiers that are easily scalable for different screens.
Updated background

We listened to your feedback regarding the previous game design and took into account the comments. The most attentive of you may have already noticed the changes in our episodes of the V-LOG or on the test server.
We’ve changed the background on the lobby, garage, settings, menu, and shop screens. We brought all the screens to a common sustained style.

It is on this screen that you find yourself after loading the game.
Almost everything has changed here: new icons for the news block, chat and friends screen, a new menu, notifications and a battle selection button. And, of course, a stylish upper with a nickname, balance and a new game logo.
The Premium account has moved to the upper left corner, and the clans are now at the bottom left.

Be surprised with its minimalism and convenience.
Immediately after opening, you will see all currently equipped gear, what items are available for upgrading, and other relevant information.
For turrets, hulls, drones, protection modules and supplies, all their parameters and the upgrade process are visible, and a new sorting mechanism has been added for paints.

We designed the new interface to be simple, convenient and attractive. Hope you will enjoy!
What’s next?
We will continue working on the interface of the game. All other windows will also be improved, and the changes that come with this release will be further developed.
Keep sharing your opinion about the new interface with us. We will carefully read your feedback and make the respective changes!
Tanki Online Stickers
A historic moment: Tanki Online have their own stickers for the first time! There are 20 of them, and they are very cool! You can get the full pack by clicking on one of them in our Telegram channel or if you wish to use them in Discord just join one of our Discord servers!

Use our stickers and share them with your friends, let Tanki become even closer to them!