
April Challenge I

31 March, 2021


Duration: 15 days


The new Challenge starts tomorrow (Thursday, Apr 1st).

We remind you that we have implemented some changes to our Challenge activities.

Stars can be earned in 2 ways, the first is by finishing Matchmaking battles. When a battle finishes, players who were in it will receive a number of Stars based on their position on the final scoreboard, and whether their team won or lost (this does not apply to solo battle modes such as JGR and DM).

The second way to earn stars is by completing Missions. For each daily mission you complete, you will receive 30, 50, or 70 stars, and for each weekly mission, you will receive 100, 150, or 200 stars.

In addition, mobile players have a unique way to earn stars, called “micro-missions”. These are easier missions in battle, such as deal damage, capture a flag/ball/points, or kill enemy tanks, but in exchange, mobile players get no stars from their position on the scoreboard after finishing battles.


In addition to the Crystals, Supplies, Batteries and other goodies that you’ve come to expect, this month’s Challenge features the following special rewards:

Seventies Fun

There is also a new regular paint to snatch up:


And of course, don’t forget the grand prizes in the final stage: 100 Tankoins (Silver Tier) and a Skin container (Gold Tier, which requires the Battle Pass). 

How to complete the challenge faster

You can always snatch a Stars Bundle from the Shop and give yourself a nice boost. Don’t let those cool top tier rewards slip through your fingers!

And with Premium Pass you will receive twice as many stars for each battle!

And as requested, we have returned the Premium Pass + Battle Pass bundle which will be available in the Showcase within 5 days from the start of the challenge.

So, log into the game on Thursday (April 1st) and start collecting those Stars!

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