
New website. Soon.

01 February, 2021

Hello, tankers!


«Tanki» starts with a website. The website meets the players first. It tells newcomers about the game, keeps them informed about the game and is a gateway to the “Tanki Online” world.

The game rapidly evolved over the past year. We are trying to keep up with the times, and an important part of that is the game’s website.


Today we are glad to tell you that we are finally ready to launch the new Tanki Online website!


We will start updating the site tomorrow. The update may take a few days, but hopefully we will finish sooner; the site itself will not be up and running during that time.


This is what you can find on the new website:


Adapted for mobile players


The smartphone has long been an integral part of our lives. It is important that the website works equally well on a variety of devices.
Now, the main page is perfectly adapted for mobile devices.
Reading the news and watching V-LOGs will become a much more convenient experience!


Tags search


Do you need to find a certain topic? Just type in a keyword, date, title, headline, text phrase or category and you will see all the content you want.
You can also choose the order of sorting: new or old first.


Returning to the top


Sometimes, you read a website and suddenly notice that you have scrolled down a few meters. How do you get back up quickly?
Just click the arrow in the bottom right corner of the website, and you will be back to the top of the page. This trick is commonly used on modern websites, and now we have it too.


News labels


Searching for news, but don’t know the tag? Opening everything in a row is not an option.
Now each type of news (after updating the site) will have its own label. It looks stylish, easy to recognize and convenient to use.




The Tanki V-LOG comes out every Friday at 13:00 UTC.
Do you want to watch it on time, but always forget?

And that problem is now resolved as well. Click the YouTube button at the top of the website, and you will get the latest V-LOG and a handy list of all the previous releases as well.
A notification icon on the YouTube button will tell you, when there is a new V-LOG for you to watch.


News TOP-List


The latest game events, news and activities – all in a prominent place! In the “Home” tab, you will find a list of the latest news, so it is even easier to follow the life of the project.


Featuring special offers


Special offers – are an interesting thing. They don’t offer you unique in-game items only, but also permit you to make great spares – to get more for less.


But the thing is that special offers are usually time-bound.

A way to NOT MISS the special offers.


Now you can find out about current offers directly from the game’s website!

It especially benefits players, who want to find out the price of the special offers but are not able to enter the game.


Technical support


Now it is possible to contact the project support team directly from the game website.

If you have any questions, just click on the support button and you will be immediately redirected to your email’s inbox.


In general, how cool is that? We hope you are pleased with the new website and find it interesting!


We are waiting for your feedback!

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