
UFO day in Tanki Online

30 June, 2020

Little green men are back, to win your hearts!


Tankers! We are happy to announce that soon, a delegation of aliens is expected to come to visit us – in the Tanki Online universe!


Let’s meet them with unprecedented warmth!


So, here are the details:


In the programme:


X2 boosted funds and experience


Do you feel how fast you rank up now? If yes, great, because it will be even faster during this event!

From July 1st 02:00 UTC till July 6th 02:00 UTC you will get twice more experience than now! As well as this, battle funds will be twice as much as the current summer rate!


More gold boxes! Meteor shower!


The weatherman said that from July 1st 02:00 UTC till July 6th 02:00 UTC we may expect Meteor showers in Tanki Online! In all matchmaking battles, instead of gold boxes, we will have meteorites falling from the sky. On meteor sites you will find cool gifts from our alien friends!


One of the main reasons for the aliens’ arrival is to provide joy and happiness to all tankers.

Therefore, we have increased the chance of gold boxes dropping in all matchmaking battles for the whole duration of the holiday!

Show your green friends what a gold race truly is!




What do we do when we travel abroad? We buy souvenirs!

Aliens are not an exception, they also like souvenirs.

So, from July 3rd 02:00 UTC till July 6th 02:00 UTC there will be sales in the Shop, Garage and on upgrades and their speedups.







Aliens love to open boxes. Let’s open them together!


For the full duration of the event, coinboxes will be available for purchase in the Shop. You can receive one of the following rewards:



Special bundle


Many of you want to get more and pay less. Don’t worry!

From July 1st 02:00 UTC till July 6th 02:00 UTC tankers and aliens will be able to buy a special bundle containing the following items:



Special missions


A business trip is not a holiday. Our alien friends are bringing us special missions! For completing them, you will receive cool rewards!
































Themed Decorations


Green men want to add their contribution to the holiday decorations!

For all 5 days of the celebration, the appearance of drones will be changed to feature a UFO with an alien pilot, charging the owner with the power of space!

Also, enjoy the decorations:



Come into the game and don’t miss our annual meeting with the aliens!

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