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Status effects and other updates

21 May, 2020

Hello, tankers!

With the server restart on May 22nd a new update will be released.


The major changes are:


Status effects indication  — What is it?

Status effects fall into two categories:


Status effects are visible to all players in a battle — for you, your teammates, and your enemies.


Changes of map rank limits in MM

This update will affect low ranking players only. The Matchmaking system will consider a player’s rank and choose only maps which are available for the player. You can check which maps are available for your rank on the Wiki.


Changes of rank limits of the items in the Garage

In order to improve the learning process for new players and to shift the focus on more important aspects of the game, we have changed the rank limits for supplies and the «Brutus» drone:



Other changes


Enter the game tomorrow and check out the changes!

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