Hello, tankers!
With servers restart on May 8th a new update will be released. The major change is that you will be able to buy augments both for hulls and turrets in the Garage for crystals or tankoins.
The previous release of augments in containers stirred up a lot of emotion. When we have decided to remove all augments from the Garage we thought that it will be fair solution for all players. We have seen that when every single one has modules with protection from Thunder or Railgun these turrets lose their popularity and those who liked playing with them do not want to equip them any more. Thus, we wanted to prevent such situation to happen with hulls and thought that it will help us to save the game’s balance.
However, we see that all of you didn’t like our decision and ask us to return augments to the Garage. Having carefully considered your feedback and your arguments we made a decision to return turret augments back to the Garage as well as to add hull augments to the Garage.
By adding augments to containers we wanted to make them more rare and attractive content for which it will be more interesting to fight in battles and completing missions.
Unfortunately, you didn’t like this, and this return of augments to the Garage changed our plans. In order to keep value of augments and updated containers we have to change prices of augments.
Here are prices of augments after this update:
96 000 crystals:
- Augment «Assault rounds» for Smoky
- Augment «Round stabilization» for Railgun
149 000 crystals:
- Augment «Slugger» for Hammer
- Augment «Reinforced gun carriage» for Magnum
- Augment «Short-band emitter» for Shaft
- Augment «Stable plasma» for Twins
- Augment «Broadband radiators» for Isida
- Augment «High-pressure pump» for Freeze
- Augment «Reinforced aiming transmission» for Railgun
- Augment «Shooting speed regulator» for Vulcan
- Augment «High-pressure pump» for Firebird
- Augment «Destabilized plasma» for Ricochet
- Augment «Remote rocket explosives» for Striker
- Augment «Small caliber charging machine» for Thunder
- Augment «High-precision aiming system» for Smoky
245 000 crystals
- Augment «Heat Resistance» for hulls
- Augment «Cold Resistance» for hulls
- Augment «Incendiary mix» for Firebird
- Augment «Compact fuel tanks» for Firebird
- Augment «Shock freeze» for Freeze
- Augment «Corrosive mix» for Freeze
- Augment «Nanomass reactor» for Isida
- Augment «Support nanobots» for Isida
- Augment «Dragon’s Breath» for Hammer
- Augment «High-capacity ammo clip» for Hammer
- Augment «Duplet» for Hammer
- Augment «Adaptive reload» for Hammer
- Augment «Plasma accelerators» for Twins
- Augment «Heavy plasmagun» for Twins
- Augment «Berserk» for Ricochet
- Augment «Plasma-torch» for Ricochet
- Augment «Minus-field stabilization» for Ricochet
- Augment «Autocannon» for Smoky
- Augment «Cryo rounds» for Smoky
- Augment «Incendiary rounds» for Smoky
- Augment «Supercumulative rounds» for Smoky
- Augment «Missile launcher “Uranium”» for Striker
- Augment «Missile launcher “Cyclone”» for Striker
- Augment «Missile launcher “Hunter”» for Striker
- Augment «Incendiary band» for Vulcan
- Augment «Reinforced aiming transmission» for Vulcan
- Augment «”Sledgehammer” rounds» for Thunder
- Augment «Subcaliber rounds» for Thunder
- Augment «Round destabilization» for Railgun
- Augment «Large caliber rounds» for Railgun
- Augment «”Death Herald” compulsator» for Railgun
- Augment «Hyperspace rounds» for Railgun
- Augment «Electromagnetic accelerator “Scout”» for Railgun
- Augment «Automated gunpowder loading mechanism» for Magnum
- Augment «Mortar» for Magnum
- Augment «Light capacitors» for Shaft
- Augment «Rapid-fire mode» for Shaft
- Augment «Heavy capacitors» for Shaft
4 990 tankoins
- Augment «EMP Immunity» for hulls
- Augment «Heat Immunity» for hulls
- Augment «Cold Immunity» for hulls
- Augment «Stun Immunity» for hulls
- Augment «Heavyweight Construction» for hulls
- Augment «Lightweight Construction» for hulls
One more thing. With this update we will move Railgun’s «Round stabilization» augment in containers from «Epic» to «Rare» category.
Enter the game tomorrow and check out the new update with augments in the Garage!
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