
New Missions

27 February, 2020



There’s always something to do in Tanki Online, like punching a hole in your favorite enemy, or freezing them, or burning them, or blowing them up… anyway, you get the picture.


So we’ve been thinking about some more fun stuff for you to enjoy, and here’s what we came up with:


Special Missions!


These missions will appear alongside your Daily, Weekly and Challenge Tasks, under the heading «Special» (we know, pretty creative). For now, you’ll only see a few (the “Rank Up” mission, the “Get Premium” mission, and the “Link Email” mission), as we’re rolling out this feature gradually. Of course, we’ll be adding more missions over time.


There are also plans to add special event missions in this section, so that you can track your progress in special events, without needing to visit landing pages. Everything will be in one convenient place.


Special Missions will be released in the game with tomorrow’s (28.02.2020) server restart at 02:00 UTC.


So make sure you check them out and tell us what you’d like to see. Don’t be shy!




Once the Special Missions feature is launched, daily Premium rewards and Rank Up mission rewards will be moved to the Special Missions section and you will need to claim them manually from there. They will no longer be claimed automatically. Additionally, mission rewards can only be claimed from the HTML5 (web or downloadable client) and mobile version of the game, NOT in the Flash version.


EXCEPTION: The “Link Email” mission will not be available on the mobile version of the game.

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