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TOF Solo Hammer Registration

29 July, 2019



Do you play tactically and with a clear head? Do you know every trick of the turret and dominate every situation on the battlefield? Then the TOF Solo Hammer Tournament is for you!



A summary of tournament:


All tankers who reach at least 1/16 finals will receive prizes, and the prize pool includes: loads of crystals, Premium, XT or Prime skin for any turret of the winner’s choice, Acid paint and a Spectrum module with 20% protection against all weapons and mines!


Tournament calendar:


You can monitor the progress of the tournament on the eSports website and on the Tanki Online Forum.

Interesting battles at every stage of the tournament and, of course, the finals will be streamed on the Tanki Online eSports Youtube channel.


Do not miss your spot on the tournament: enter and win!

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