
Challenges are here!

13 December, 2018



One of the most highly-anticipated updates is finally here! The long-awaited Challenges have been launched in the game!


Earn stars, complete stages, and get a lot of cool no, VERY cool prizes!



Challenges are time-limited events similar to “Star Week”, with which many of you are already familiar.


A Challenge consists of many stages (or “tiers”), and each stage brings you additional and better rewards. To complete stages, you need stars, which are earned exclusively during “star events” in matchmaking battles.


In the tasks window on the Challenges tab, you’ll be able to see your current progress in the event, including how many stars you have earned, how many more you need to complete your current stage, and what the rewards will be when the challenge ends. Whenever you reach a new stage, you will receive an in-game notification.


Battle Pass

Challenges will also introduce a new pass into the game — the “Battle Pass”, which allows you to unlock a set of bigger and better rewards for each stage of the challenge.


Some of these rewards can be pretty unique too!


Most importantly, you’ll be able to buy the Battle Pass at ANY stage of the challenge —at the very beginning, in the middle, or even in the very final stage— and you will STILL get ALL the rewards from both the top and bottom rows.


Both levels of prizes will be visible in the interface, so at any time you can see the rewards you’re currently getting, and compare them with the rewards that you could unlock with a Battle Pass.


You can purchase a Battle Pass directly from the Challenge window. The pass will be sold in the Shop for €4.49 and will only be valid for the current challenge.


Premium Account players also get additional advantages!


In addition to its many benefits, a premium account will now also double the stars you earn in battle. This means that if you have a premium account, you will be able to reach the final stage of the challenge (and the biggest, coolest rewards) with half the effort!



Should you participate in the challenge? Absolutely!


This is a great opportunity to earn a bunch of crystals, supplies, premium days and containers, as well as rare paints, shot effects and even skins!


Rewards WITHOUT the battle pass

For completing all the stages of the challenge WITHOUT a “Battle pass”, you’ll be getting a nice heap of crystals and supplies, plus two cool animated paints (“Starfall” and “LEDs”), as well as 10 containers and the hot Firebird XT skin.


Rewards WITH the battle pass

“Battle pass” owners will get a significant boost to their crystals and supplies rewards. They will also get 30 additional containers and 4 new animated paints:


Silver Bricks




Tessaract Camo




Lava Lamp




Lightning storm




Additionally, the rewards for battle pass owners will also include 4 effect shots for different turrets, and the brand new “Hunter XT” skin. The side panels on this cool new skin are a stylized representation of the feathers on a bird of prey as it dives with sharp talons to make the kill. This skin embodies its owner’s predatory skills.




You can find all the information about challenge stages and their respective rewards on the Wiki.


The first challenge will last 6 weeks, from December 14th, 2018, until January 25th, 2019.


There will be 50 stages, and to reach the final stage, you will need to have accumulated a total of 2000 stars.


So, start planning your festive season today to get the coolest awards!


Read more about the current Challenge here.


Frequently Asked Questions


Will Challenges also be available in TO Mobile?

Yes of course. The mobile version is still played on the main game servers, which means there will be the same challenges.


How and when will I receive my rewards for completed challenges?

Prizes are awarded as soon as you complete a stage.


How will I know that I have moved to a new stage of the Challenge?

You can view your progress at any time in the Challenges tab. Additionally, for each new stage you reach, you will receive a notification in the game.


Can I do a challenge with friends?

Yes of course. The only restriction is that you MUST play matchmaking battles. But it makes no difference whether you do it alone or as a group.


What gives a combat pass?

Significantly increases rewards for completing challenge levels.


How do I buy a battle pass?

In the bottom left corner of the «Challenge» tab, you will find a button that will take you to the section of the Shop where you can buy the pass.


What happens if I buy a battle pass, and have already completed some or all of the stages in the current challenge?

You can buy a battle pass at any time while a challenge is active. As soon as you buy the pass, you will receive all the rewards from the gold row up to your current challenge level.


Will I keep ALL of my rewards when the Challenge ends?

Of course, the rewards are all yours to keep. Just keep in mind that a battle pass is only valid for one Challenge. So each fresh Challenge requires a new battle pass if you want to access rewards from the gold row.


Will I still get some rewards if I don’t buy a battle pass?

Of course! But you will only get the rewards from the silver row, not the gold row. The battle pass will give you the rewards from both rows.


What will happen to the “Easy Stars” Pass?

The role of the “Easy Stars” Pass will be taken over by the Premium Account. So, Premium will now allow you to earn stars twice as fast (just like the Easy Stars Pass used to do). The Easy Stars subscription will be removed from the game.


What kind of rewards does the Challenge offer?

Crystals, Containers, Supplies, Drone Batteries, Gold Boxes, Premium Account Time, Paints, Skins, Shot Effects.

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