
War Herald #1

18 July, 2018



Soon a large-scale event “War: Domination” will start in Tanki Online, and for the event tankers will be divided between 3 factions fighting over territories on a special map of a fictional world (this is NOT an in-game map of Tanki Online). The event will be held on a special site made specifically for the War, which will be launched closer to the start of the event.


In the first announcement we’re already told you what you have to do to join the War: how to register, how you get assigned to a faction, and how to log into the War site.


This issue of War Herald will be dedicated to the mechanics of fighting for the territories.


War Turns. Battles for territories


One turn of the War will take exactly 24 hours (from 7AM UTC till 7AM UTC of the next day), and you will fight both the War map — for territories — and in battles against other tankers in Tanki Online.


For each turn you will need to choose on the War map an area to attack (from territories directly connected to the territory owned by your faction) and another to defend (from the territories already owned by your faction.)


After you confirm the turn go straight into Matchmaking battles and earn stars — a special in-game resource. You will begin each turn with 0 stars, and as soon as you earn 5 stars (this is the minimal number of stars to participate in a turn), all new stars that you earn after confirming your vote for the next turn on the War site will be added to faction progress in the ongoing battles for chosen territories.


IMPORTANT: for a War turn only the stars earned after confirming your vote on the War site will be counted towards faction progress. You NEED to vote for attacking and defending territories on the War site first, and then, after earning 5 stars all new stars will be counted towards the faction and to receive event prizes.


This way, each faction can attack and defend many territories, and the result of each battle for the territory will be determined by player participation and the number of players who voted for the territory.


The more you play and the better you play, the more stars you will earn. Also, stars earned after the required number to confirm a turn (5 stars), will earn you additional rewards.


You will be able to track battle progress for all factions on the War site in real time.


What’s needed to Win


The goal of each faction is to capture and hold as many territories as possible. Each turn captured territories will earn your faction Victory Points (NOT stars).


Territories around the edges of the War map will earn your faction less points, and areas in the middle of the map — more points.


The faction that earns 300 points will win in the War.


That’s it for today!


If you have further questions about the event — ask them in the comments and in this thread, and we will answer most popular questions in the next issue of the War Herald!


We will announce when the War begins closer to the start of the event.


NOTE: The War is a team competition, and to win your faction needs to coordinate the actions of all faction players. You can do that using any available options in the game or on the internet: in chat, on the Forum, on social media, or anywhere else. For each faction we will create a subsection on the War section of the Forum, where you can discuss strategies, choose territories for attack and defence and coordinate playing together in battles.


The event is designed only as an entertaining fictional activity and has no connection to real names, people, organizations and events in the world. Any similarities are coincidental. The event does not, in any way, provoke or encourage real life violence, extremism or violation of the international law. The company is not responsible for any actions that harm the user or break the international law and/or Game Rules. For breaking the rules of the game or the event, participants can be disqualified from the event and its rewards.




Q: Which ranks can participate in the War?
A: From Master Corporal and up.


Q: How much will the “Distributor” paint cost?
A: 1000 crystals.


Q: Will I have to equip the paint of my faction for each battle?
A: No, you can play in any paint, faction paints do not have to be equipped.


Q: How players will be distributed between the factions?
A: The distribution process will be regulated in such a way, that each faction will have the equal chances of winning.


Q: Can I choose a faction or somehow influence the “Distributor”?
A: No.


Q: Will I have to make kills in order to confirm my vote on the War map?
A: No. Your vote will be counted after you earn 5 stars in battles.


Q: What determines how many stars is earned in battles?


Q: In which battles you can earn stars?
A: Only in Matchmaking battles.


Q: Do I have to play on any specific map or in any specific format to earn stars?
A: No. You will earn stars by playing in any Matchmaking battle.


Q: Will there be special territories that reward resources or the Nuclear Rocket like in the previous War event?
A: No. The resources mechanic in the War was changed to Victory Points, that are earned each turn by any captured territory.


Q: Will there be added a special chat channel for each faction?
A: We plan to add to the game a “War” chat channel, same as we did in the previous War. Also, to coordinate faction efforts you will be able to use the dedicated War section of the Forum.


Q: Will players of the same faction be put into the same team in Matchmaking battles?
A: No. The assigned faction (of if you weren’t assigned to a faction yet) does not impact the Matchmaking mechanic and team balance in battles.


Q: What are the prizes?
A: We will tell about the rewards in future issues of the War Herald.


Q: What will happen to faction paints when the event ends?
A: They will be removed from the Garages. Players of the winning faction will get a new animated paint instead.

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