It’s time to pull off some awesome tricks — the Masters of Parkour contest is here! If you’re enough of a daredevil, you can win crystals, supplies (including gold boxes), fully upgraded protection modules, and the Master of Parkour 2017 unique paint.
Interested? Keep reading!
The contest consists of two phases — the qualifying round and the final.
- The qualifying phase is open to any tanker ranked WO-1 and higher. Participants need to organize a team of up to 4 members, and shoot a cool parkour video. The video needs to be uploaded to Youtube, and the link submitted through this special form. After the first phase of the contest, the jury will pick the TOP-ten teams to be the finalists.
- The final will take place online on the Tanki Online International Youtube channel. Finalists will need to perform parkour tricks in time-challenge mode. The fastest, and most precise will win.
The jury will judge based on the following criteria:
- Respect for the contest rules
- Legitness and difficulty of tricks
- Recording and editing quality
And now, some details about the contest:
- Contest entries must be shot on standard gravity settings. Videos made in Space mode will not be counted for the contest.
- All team members must have a minimum rank of Warrant Officer 1 to take part in the contest. The Parkour Master paint is only available for the rank of Warrant Officer 1 or higher.
- The parkour team should consist of not more than 4 tankers. The team can decide whether the video is to be shot by a team member or an independent cameraperson.
- Contest entries must be uploaded to Youtube. Video links are to be submitted via this special form. When posting your video, make sure you post the nicknames of all the team members (not more than 4 members). If the team wins, only the specified players will get the reward.
- The video must be shot exclusively for this contest. Videos made earlier will not be accepted. To prove that your video is exclusive, all members of your team must be equipped with the “Master of Parkour 2017” paint. Once the qualifying round is over, the paint will be removed from all garages, except for those of the finalists. Winners will keep the paint forever.
- Your video must not be longer than 60 seconds. Videos longer than 60 seconds will be automatically disqualified.
- The nicknames of the participants in a team must be clearly readable on the video.
- The video cannot contain any violation to the Game Rules.
- A participant can only be part of one team.
- The rights of using contest videos are described in point 7.4 of the EULA.
- These rules are not a copy of Masters of Parkour 2016.
Interesting facts!
- This time we’ll be adding a new Master of Parkour paint. The old one will remain in the garages of last year’s winners, and that’s how the mechanism will work in the future.
- There are three versions — the International one (EN/DE/PL), Latin America (BR/ES), and the Russian one. That means there will be three groups of winners, 3 finals live streams and 3 contests.
Prizes (for each teammate)
- All the finalists will receive the unique paint “Master of Parkour 2017”, which will remain in their garages forever.
- 1st place: 50 000 crystals, 50 units of each supply, 20 gold boxes, any* fully upgraded protection module.
- 2nd place: 30 000 crystals, 30 units of each supply, 15 gold boxes, any* fully upgraded protection module.
- 3rd place: 20 000 crystals, 20 units of each supply, 10 gold boxes, any* fully upgraded protection module.
- The remaining finalists will receive 10 000 crystals and 5 gold boxes each.
- Depending on the quality and number of entries, the number of nominations and prizes might change.
*available for purchase
- Entries are accepted until 9:00AM UTC on October 30th
- We will announce the names of the finalists of the contest and remove the paints from the garages of all other players on November 3rd
- The Finals will take place on November 4th at 5:00PM UTC
- We’ll award all the winners on November 7th
Good luck, masters!
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