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Score cap for standard battles

27 August, 2015


Today we’ve introduced an additional way of ending standard team battles. From now on, in addition to a time limit, each of the three standard length battles will have a score cap as follows:

Team Deathmatch (TDM)

Capture the Flag (CTF)

Control Points (CP)

The battle automatically ends when either the time limit or the score cap is reached. For example, a 30 minute CTF battle will end before the 30 minute time limit, if one of the two teams captures a total of 10 flags.

This change only affects standard team battles — PRO and DM ones remain unchanged.

The aim of this update is to make battles with uneven teams or a clear winner end sooner. This way, the tankers involved in them won’t need to wait too long till the next round starts. This means the action should become even more intense.

IMPORTANT: the current parameters are not final and can be changed based on the analysis of the game or the feedback provided.

That’s it, tankers. Enter the game, try out the new score cap system for yourselves, and don’t forget to share your feedback on the feature in this topic. Good luck!

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