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Private Messages in Chats

27 January, 2016


We’ve just made a major change to the way Tanki Online chats function — messages addressed to specific players have become private. This means they will only be visible to 2 people — the person sending the message, and the person receiving it.

The awesome news is that you don’t even need to be on the same server to exchange private messages as the system works across the entire cluster. The only requirement is that you and the person you are talking to are both online.

By default, you can send a private message to any tanker in the game. For those who don’t want to be bothered by players they don’t know, settings include the option to only allow private messages from players on your friends list. Of course, you can add any tanker to your blacklist.

We sincerely hope this feature will make chats a better place, with private messages becoming truly private, and public chats consisting primarily of information relevant to the majority of tankers.

Log into the game and check out the new private message feature right now!

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