May holidays 2024
Tanki Online V-LOG: Episode 504
The «Tanks in Space» Mini-game

Winners – Goodbye Kasim!

04 October, 2019



The Goodbye Kasim photobomb contest is over. We’ve received an overwhelming amount of entries, and many of you put in a lot of effort into giving our dear Kasim the best farewell ever.


Now, it’s time to reveal our winners and their rewards, which will be handed out tomorrow,
Saturday, October 5th.


1st place: Ghost_Animators | Entry | Reward: XT Container, 30 containers, 330 tankoins
2nd place: Benefactor | Entry | Reward: 25 containers, 220 tankoins
3rd place: Issimo | Entry | Reward: 20 containers, 120 tankoins
4th place: Volturo | Entry | Reward: 70 000 crystals and 15 containers
5th place: asdyix | Entry | Reward: 60 000 crystals and 14 containers
6th place: G2.Galaxy | Entry | Reward: 50 000 crystals and 13 containers
7th place: Havvk | Entry | Reward: 40 000 crystals and 12 containers
8th place: Quickkrtl | Entry | Reward: 30 000 crystals and 10 containers
9th place: Y.o.u.r.N.a.m.e | Entry | Reward: 20 000 crystals and 9 containers
10th place: kema104 | Entry | Reward: 10 000 crystals and 8 containers


Additionally, the following honorable mentions will receive a consolation prize of 10 000 crystals.


Honorable mention: wilz_awesome | Entry | Reward: 10 000 crystals
Honorable mention: CONNRIKOM | Entry | Reward: 10 000 crystals
Honorable mention: jutska | Entry | Reward: 10 000 crystals
Honorable mention: SSG | Entry | Reward: 10 000 crystals
Honorable mention: LaszloHunor | Entry | Reward: 10 000 crystals
Honorable mention: Frogy | Entry | Reward: 10 000 crystals
Honorable mention: X.Lose | Entry | Reward: 10 000 crystals
Honorable mention: The_spranci_tanker | Entry | Reward: 10 000 crystals
Honorable mention: Vanessa | Entry | Reward: 10 000 crystals
Honorable mention: deadrider | Entry | Reward: 10 000 crystals
Honorable mention: Theo | Entry | Reward: 10 000 crystals
Honorable mention: adhik123 | Entry | Reward: 10 000 crystals
Honorable mention: ApocalypseDR | Entry | Reward: 10 000 crystals
Honorable mention: Bydo | Entry | Reward: 10 000 crystals
Honorable mention: ROTHER | Entry | Reward: 10 000 crystals


We had also promised to hold a special livestream to draw the winner of an XT container from among those who have posted their entry on our social media using the hashtag #kasimlegend.


However, due to technical difficulties, we are unable to organize the livestream. Instead, we’ve recorded the prize draw (using our randomizer software). You can see the video below.


Congratulations to all our winners, and thank you all for participating!

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